Ep. 137: [On-Air Coaching] How Can Billie Show Up Comfortably on IG?


Being visible and putting yourself and your work out to the masses can feel really uncomfortable to even the most confident of people. It requires a level of vulnerability and it can feel scary because it opens us up to rejection or critique. But we have to market our businesses if there's any hope of having success. So what do you do when you already feel less-than-comfortable with it, but you want to keep showing up and making it work? That's what we talk about in this on-air coaching episode. I walk Billie through some insights about social media marketing that work for every entrepreneur. Especially if it can feel a bit hollow or useless at times.

Billie started their own business a little over a year ago after my jobs closed due to the pandemic. They teach virtual yoga + movement classes that are body neutral and trauma safe; as well as a series where they break down tools borrowed from yoga and meditation to help support mental health.


Plan to Profit


Free 3-Day Self-Care Challenge: https://mailchi.mp/9ef15ea49dc3/move-with-love

  • Welcome to this week's episode of the sell it sister podcast. This is another installment installment of my on-air coaching series, where I bring real humans running businesses on with me, uh, to get some coaching. And I really love doing this for a couple of weeks. One is that even if your business is different from my guests business and chances are, it is the things that we discuss in each of these episodes, the questions that people have tend to be very universal, right?

    They tend to be things that a lot of the people I work with, uh, struggle with when it comes to sales and market. I also want him to do this series because I think it's a really cool way for you to actually get to hear what it would be like to work with me. Right. You get a sense of my approach, my style, my take on things, um, all of that.

    So if you've been thinking about working with me, hopefully this gives you something. Insights. And on this week's episode, I am talking to Billy of move with Billy, and I know you're really going to resonate a lot in this one with the questions that we go over, because it's really about marketing and reaching new clients and keeping your own voice in it.

    But especially when maybe you don't always feel super confident. You know, being vulnerable, vulnerable, or, um, sharing your own voice or, you know, being, uh, like viewed in your own content, right? It can be this very like exposing, um, process and it can feel really hard for a lot of people. So we do a real, a real deep dive into.

    They can show up on the gram in a way that feels good and also works, but doesn't feel like it violates any of their personal boundaries. So a little bit about Billy, they started their own business just a little over a year ago. Um, after their jobs closed, due to the pandemic. Billy teaches virtual yoga and movement classes that are body neutral and trauma safe.

    Um, and she also has a series where she is using tools, borrowed from yoga and meditation to help support mental health. Very cool. Um, be sure to follow Billy on instant. And move with billy.com. They have a free three day self-care challenge that you can check out there. But, uh, now let's go right on in, because we, we actually went over time.

    We were having so much fun chatting. Human first marketing approach. So enjoy, Hey Bailey. Welcome to the, sell it sister podcast. I'm really excited to get to do this on air coaching with you today. So welcome. Thank you. Thanks so much for having me. Yeah. Yeah. So tell me a little bit about, uh, you know, what you do and what some of the things are that you are selling right now, or are planning to sell within the next few weeks.

    So currently I teach mainly virtual yoga and movement sessions. So yoga and workout classes that are trauma informed and anti diets and body neutral body positive, and mainly do virtual classes. At the moment. I have a couple of in person sessions and I do private classes as well as like private events.

    And I'm planning in the next couple of months to sort of relaunch my. Series. It was called supporting mental health. I'm thinking of changing the name, but otherwise I have some workshop and like virtual retreat ideas, but that's the gist of it. Gotcha. Gotcha. Thank you. And, uh, and so usually when you're doing your marketing, then I know you're on Instagram because that's where we connected.

    Is that primarily where you hang out these days. Yeah, it tends to be Instagram. I have a Facebook page as well. Um, and like a newsletter group or whatever you'd call it. Um, but mainly it's Instagram. Yeah. Gotcha. Okay. Is that, and is that typically like the people who you see enrolling in your classes and your workshops, are they mostly people that have found you through Instagram?

    It tends to be. Yeah. Or people who knew me from my previous teaching placements and their friends that they've have been referred to me. Oh, cool. Okay, cool. So like in, um, was it places where you used to teach like yoga or movement? Like things like that. And then people have just continued. Yeah. Yeah. The place I taught at before closed and I stayed in touch with a few of the students and they were very kind to join me in my new business.

    And then they told their friends and that was, which is like the best compliment to me. Yeah, referrals are always like, they they're just the best they, it always was so good. So I know that you are, um, the things that you wanted to be sure, um, you know, to focus on and get some help with are around marketing, um, reaching new clients because obviously those referrals are great, but you know, You know, referrals, aren't always a hundred percent predictable.

    Um, and then being sure to keep your own voice in your marketing. Um, so are there some things are ready that you have tried and you're like, oh, I really like this. This feels really good. Or conversely things that you're like. Yeah, I know people talk about doing that thing for marketing, but like, that's just not me.

    And I don't want to do that. Um, I've tried. I tried tick talk though. I feel, I don't, I don't like I'm already trying. I like, I'm already trying to keep up with Instagram and you know, all the other stuff that like having another thing, unless it's something I can put on both like Tik TOK and Instagram. It feels like too much pressure somehow.

    Um, so I still have it and I'm still uploaded somethings, but it's not. I was like, oh, I'm gonna, this is gonna be a focus. And then very much dropped the ball shortly after. Um, I have tried, I have free class cards that I've sort of handed out. Um, I have tried, what else have I tried? Um, I try to Instagram and Facebook ads, but those didn't seem, I mean, it might've been that I wasn't, um, it didn't have all the right stuff put together in terms of how my Instagram looks.

    Um, and my, I have a, wasn't very clear on my branding voice until recently, but those didn't seem to really do much like they, my posts would have more views, but not really anything long-term lasting from. Yeah, that can definitely, uh, like ads can be tricky for sure. And they've gotten a little bit more tricky because of like iOS updates and stuff like that.

    So yeah, definitely. Like, I mean, I have some clients and some friends who run them, so it's, it's not like they don't work. They definitely. You know, still can, but it can be, uh, it can definitely be a lot harder and it can, the costs can rap can rack up very quickly. So, so, yeah. Um, okay. Gotcha. And in terms of, uh, like the types of content putting out, obviously tick-tock is all video.

    Um, but is there like types of. Content that you enjoy making and posting and things like that. And then others that you're like, I don't know, I'm not so into that. Um, there's some that I felt like, I don't know how to say it. Like there was pressure to do as a yoga teacher slash movement instructor on online.

    Like I, uh, There tends to be a lot of posts of like fancy poses or, um, that kind of thing to grab attention, but it's not at all. Um, what I'm wanting, I don't want to be giving that message. That that's what I'm all about. Um, I've recently I had to literally Google what a carousel was, but I recently did one of those.

    I think I'd done that before, but I had no idea that's what they were called. Um, and that one was fun. A lot, it felt like a lot of work, but it was a new thing for me. Um, I found that helpful because I could re explain maybe an idea I'd already put out, but in a new format. Yeah. Um, and I had a couple of newsletters that I really liked a lot.

    So th that it was kind of helpful to transform that into a carousel as well. Um, some of the videos I like, but then again, like I said, I don't want it to just be dancing or, um, I don't know. I don't like, I don't know how to explain it cause I appreciate like, I'm pretty open to trying a lot of things, but it has to feel like me not like what a yoga teacher should be doing, like fancy poses or I'll have some, I have some, definitely some that are more yoga or movement oriented, like poses helping with anxiety or like a sped up class as an example of a new style I'm launching.

    Um, I don't know that there's much that I'm not like a specific format that I don't like as much as a specific message that I'm not wanting to portray. If that answers your question. Yeah, it does. It does. Cause I've, um, I've actually had several clients, uh, who have, are yoga instructors and usually like something else, um, or have been yoga instructors and, um, my friend Kristin and I.

    Used to joke. Um, we would call it like shirtless handstand yoga. Cause there was this guy in the place where I used to live, where Kristin also lives, where. He like lived and taught in the area for a while. And it was very much the, like his whole Instagram was just like, you know, shirtless, handstand, yoga.

    And so, yes, no completely. Um, and when you said like you right at the end there, you said something about like, you're like the message that like not being the message you want to get across. And I know that. You know, we're also talking about like brand voice and not like losing your brand voice. So you said that you've gotten some more clarity on that recently.

    So do you want to share about that? Like sort of, what is the message that you really do want to make sure is true in your content? Yeah, I recently did a course or workshop with Jillian Murphy of food. Freedom, body love. Amazing. She's literally changed my life multiple times. Um, I did her find your unique brand voice course and was such an eye opening experience for me personally, but also as a brand, I, she talked a lot about architects.

    And branding archetypes. And I had to reflect on it a little bit, but I sort of figured out my archetypes, which was interesting because they're different from the sort of ones that I was told. I was supposed to be either from being like how I was raised or, you know, just being a yoga teacher and in that world for a while.

    Um, my main one is like the rebel, the caretaker as a second one, then. Uh, the regular folk does essentially like wanting everyone to feel included. So I think that it's definitely an, uh, like a exciting, but uncomfortable, scary territory uncomfortable because it's something I've wanted to like let out of myself for a long time, but it's such a new place to step into that.

    It feels a bit scary cause it's definitely like, um, Like very much, like I'm here to be seen and be heard and to make a difference. And it means a lot to me. So it's a very exciting, but scary, scary, scary place, which I think is a fun place to be as an instructor as well. Because like I grew, I mean, obviously I've been in the yoga fitness world for a while now, both as a student and as a teacher and there's, I sort of have been.

    Shown this story of like spiritual bypassing or like feel good only, or goodbye. It's only culture and diet culture being in those spaces. And it felt very wrong and it felt like I almost had to be quiet about it. And it's been really cool to be like a business owner and have this sort of revelation that I can.

    Loudly say like, Hey, this is, this is my belief. This is what I like. I want everyone to feel included and I'm not going to put any sheds all over your part. Yeah. I love that. And, uh, and yeah, I'm so glad that you got to work with Jillian because she is just a true delight and incredible person. Um, but yeah, that, that definitely sounds like that is your.

    Like you're very clear on your truth and the role that you want your business to play within the, like the larger industry that you, that you operate in. Um, so I would definitely say, you know, keep infusing. Your work with that. So, um, it's interesting actually, like, uh, as we're recording this tomorrow is another group coaching call and my rebellious success program.

    And so we're rounding out our first month in the first month is all about truth. And, uh, one thing that I always like to remind people of is that, uh, our truth is sort of like the, the merging of. Like what we stand for the unique, uh, way that we like approach the thing that we're doing, the kind of impact that we want to make, who we want to be working with.

    Like it's all of those really core foundational things. And, and also it can feel scary because for usually the people who end up being my clients and, and who I work with and. Friends and collaborators and stuff online is that they tend to be kind of more like disruptors, right? Like they're trying to go, or they're pushing against the status quo.

    They're trying to do something different and it can feel very scary because the other way is even if it's not good, it's proven that it works. Right. It's it's, there's proven success. There. And so to kind of go against the grain of that can often feel like, oh my gosh, is this going to work? Am I going to totally fail?

    Like, is this, you know, but I will say that. The kind of hope on the other side of that is when somebody has a different message. Uh, it's almost like I kind of think of it as like a, like a lighthouse or like a bat signal. Right? So for the people who just want very traditional, like thin white women yoga, like that whole vibe.

    Like, yeah, they might scroll past, they might not give you like a follower, like, or whatever, but that's fine. Like you don't, you don't need those people, but for all the other people who are perfectly aligned to you, uh, they will actually be able to like, your truth will sort of be that, that signal. And they will be like, oh my gosh, like, I didn't know that there was another way or I thought that there could be, but I haven't really found somebody that I.

    Vibe. Right. Um, and I actually like Tik TOK is kind of my end of the day, like wind down and, and I have ended up finding some amazing people that just come up on my, for you page that are more similar to the work that you are doing. And it's really. Cool. Like I stop, I pay attention. Sometimes I follow their page, you know?

    And because it is that, that different approach, they are saying something different where they are advocating for something different. That also feels very aligned with like who I am and my values and things like that. So that's the one side of it that I would say. Yeah, I do. Like I've done a similar thing with tick dock and I find that it there's, I found people on there that I'm like, oh, I feel so seen by this person because of their experiences with, you know, whatever day to day thing.

    Um, I think maybe that's part of like, part of my hesitation is like that like really being seen in that way. Cause it's a different. Way. And I don't know. I mean, I feel a little out of the loop a bit too. Like, I don't know if I'm supposed to approach these things with like a specific filter, like not literal filter, but specific, um, filter or whatever, or if I can just record, uh, you know, whatever I'm feeling like recording or yeah.

    Yeah. It totally, it totally does. Yeah. So I will. So in a second, I'll talk about like actual. Like how to plant kind of planet and like make things work together. But one thing I wanted to add to, um, is in like in sharing kind of your, your truth, like in your brand and all of that, part of that is also like just the other things about you that make you, you, and I don't mean having to share everything under the sun.

    What I mean is like, if there's some other thing that, you know, you love or you're interested in, like, um, I'll just use a random one. Like let's say you're like obsessed with plants, right? If you periodically are kind of like organically infusing that in, it gives a more three dimensional view of who you are.

    Makes people feel more connected, right. Especially other people who are like, oh my gosh, I really love plants too. And, or like, they'll see maybe like a funny meme about somebody who has too many plants and they'll send it to you in a DM. Right. They're like forwarded from somebody else's account. So this is something that I think, um, it's, it's kind of funny because it's, it's very, it's just very human.

    It's like, kind of in the way that we. Uh, respond to like storytelling and stuff like that. Like, you know, we, by nature, like we are meant to, um, you know, kind of like be in like community in conversation, like, uh, in relation with each other. And part of how we do that is by like, when we find these, these like quirky little bits of ourselves that somebody else also has, it's almost like an instant affinity, like.

    Uh, so I have people all the time who will send me, like things about like Lord of the rings. Right. And, and they also love Lord of the rings. And it's just, it's fun because it's like, yes, we might have overlap in the realm of business or other things, but it's like a human connection bond that is outside of the realm of like what we do for money.

    Right. So I find that like, Often it can feel very flat and hollow. When we think about, you know, being on IgE or being on Tik TOK or being wherever we're showing up, it can feel very one dimensional like, oh, I have to have this like perfectly crafted posts that get somebody to purchase, but also like infusing our humanness into.

    Is is smart marketing as well. So don't feel like you, you can't do that. Um, and then in terms of like actually planning it out. So because you already have like the newsletter and, and all of that, I, I never, I'm always an advocate for simplicity. So I would say, um, you have like your free opt in, uh, so periodically, if you just created.

    Content that then leads people like that. The next logical step would be to download the opt-in. Um, that is one way that you can plan out. Content. So depending on how frequently you want to post, uh, it could be like once a week or once every two weeks or something where you have a piece of content and then your call to action is like, go to the link in my bio.

    I have this free download and then. That way they move on to your list and they can get your newsletter and they can be notified if you have something new that you're offering or anything like that. Um, just to, just to like, kind of, uh, it, it's always sort of helpful to move people from one place to another place.

    So if you can think of. You know, kind of wherever you are showing up to do your marketing. It's like, you're, you're always trying to move people through an ecosystem. So if they're following you on social date, then, you know, move, they can be moved to your list if you're, if they're on your list, but maybe not falling on social, moves them back over there or move them to, you know, a free or low cost workshop or training.

    Whatever it is because the more that people can like, kind of see us and engage with us. And it, it builds that trust that then leads people to purchase or to, you know, continually purchase depending on the nature of our business. Um, and the other thing I would say is that. You are spot on with, like, what you said about the carousel is rather than always thinking like, oh my gosh, I have to create this fresh brand new thing.

    Think about the, the older ways that you can put out that same information. Right? So your, because also different people engage with different types of content and. Yeah, there's always, we always have to factor in that. Not every single person is seeing every single thing that we put out usually. Um, so if you do a real or, you know, if it's on Tik TOK, and then you transfer over to Instagram for reals, Can what you put in there also be made into a carousel where you're like explaining out kind of step-by-step what you've done or can it be in a static post or, um, or even in your stories, like, can you leverage your stories to have a broader conversation?

    Around something. So if you're, if you have a static post or real or carousel about, let's say like the holidays are coming up. Right. So if it's, um, maybe it's like, I mean, gosh, there's like so many things to do with holidays. There could be like overstimulation, depression, anxiety, you know, boundaries, communication.

    I mean, like the sky is kind of the limit with the holidays as far as like triggers go, um, But, you know, can you then like go into your stories and send stories are a little bit more, they sort of lend themselves naturally to like communication, conversation, engagement, things like that. Like, can you bring the conversation into the stories where you're really like, Um, utilizing things like the poll sticker or the question sticker or, you know, things like that to actually like, like, I always view it as like having a real conversation with the people who are following along.

    Um, and I, and I almost think that like, This feels more, again, more human. Cause it's not just this like static feed post where you're like, I hope people comment or whatever. It's like, you're actually engaging in a dialogue and then it can be interesting to see like questions or comments or concerns or things that your audience reflects back to.

    You can actually serve as inspiration for future. Marketing. Hmm. How about that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So is that something that like, like right now in terms of with stories? Cause I know for like, I don't, I'm not necessarily in stories everyday. Like I would like with American Thanksgiving and stuff, like I took some time off and um, haven't really been.

    I would say, like I posting a little bit, but not, not like the talking head in stories. Right. Like I sort of trying to protect my energy a bit more. And, um, and so I wasn't doing that, but now I'm like, oh yeah, like I'm kind of in back in the workflow and I'll be back to it. But is that something like, do you, when you're in stories, do you, um, often like do more of the light.

    Talking with caption style thing, like, or, or is it more just like sharing other people's content or tell me a little bit about, um, I feel like I do a bit of a mixture. I, I don't know how long ago a couple of weeks ago maybe started to also sort of let it be more fun. Cause I was feeling like, you know, I have another job as well as this and sometimes it's just like, I don't have.

    I don't always have, like, I don't know, helpful tips or things to share that, or it's like insightful. I started doing, like, I think I did a, would you rather, it was just like random, like, cause I love that game when I was a kid or. I don't know what the other one's called. Like never have I ever, or I did. I found this old on my old phone.

    I found a folder of memes that I guess I screenshotted like six years ago and I was sharing those. Um, and so having it be a little bit more funds, but I could see it was like a little bit, it was quite fun for me to see like, um, like how people. I dunno, saw some of it was like about Marvel or like, do you like Halloween or Christmas or that kind of thing?

    It's I found it very fun to get to know people in that way. Yeah. I do definitely share other people's content when I see it. Um, and I, and I find it inspiring. And then I sometimes do have like talking with captions, but I found that similar, not that it's been Thanksgiving in Canada, but I found that with all the things I'm juggling, sometimes I don't.

    I feel like called to talk on stories. Um, I will sometimes when it, when I feel like I could just get like this inspiration too, but I tried to let that go, let that pressure go so that it could be more fun and like more like a conversation about whatever, rather than. And I found that, um, I was having a lot more conversations with people that way as well.

    Yeah. I love that. That's, that's actually perfect. And I would say too, one thing I do sometimes if I'm like too, if I don't have the energy to actually talk with captions, um, I will just like take a selfie and then, uh, you know, post like text over it or take a picture of. I dunno, whatever is like in front of me, you know, in my house.

    And then like, something like that, because yeah, sometimes I'm just like, I have something I want to say, but like, I don't, I don't have the, like, get up and go to be like, blah, blah. Yeah. It's like, it takes like a different like energetic level for sure. Um, and I definitely, I try to like honor that, but I love that.

    And I would say that is really, um, something I've been talking to my clients a lot about and everything is just the. That idea of forming relationships and like having fun as well. Like to me that it, and even how you said, like you were had like memes and Marvel and all of that, like that goes back to the pulling in like totally unrelated things that are just interesting to you to show like the, the full, like 360 view of, of like who you are as a human, um, And like you said, just to like, have that engagement of like, getting to know who is following you.

    That is super, super, super important, because again, it humanizes. Them to you, right? Like you get to see a more 360 view of who they are as well. Am I actually think that like, when we approach social media like that, like that it doesn't have to be serious all the time. And I things don't to your point about, do I have to plan it or can I just post, like, it doesn't always have to be like super calculated content plan.

    Rigid. I do think that the more that we actually can utilize it in the way that it was originally intended, which was to like, as like a broader sort of communication and relationship building tool. The more that we can can go back to that. I feel like a, the less burnt out we get on social because. Uh, we aren't hyper fixated on like, did I say that right?

    Is this converting, you know, obviously conversions are important. Like we all need to make money, but I feel like the more that we can. Remember that like, just because something doesn't have a lot of comments or likes, like, it doesn't mean that people aren't silently watching and like lurking and paying attention.

    Um, and also the more that we can really emphasize, like what feels good for us, like. Um, what is the type of content that we feel valued? Like that feels valuable to us to put out, not just like a, I think I need to put out three tips. So here are my three tips and then like, and then really focusing on taking the time to build those relationships in the DMS.

    Is so crucial and it is like my one, I don't usually make like marketing predictions, but my one prediction for next year is that, um, relationship building will be like more important than ever. So for 2022, that is my, like, that's my, my thing, because I think that with a lot of those iOS changes and stuff, again, not to say that.

    You know, people will still be spending tons on ads next year. That's not going away anytime soon. Um, but I think especially for small service-based entrepreneurs, like people who aren't necessarily aiming for like seven figure. Course creating businesses, right. With tons of passive revenue, when it's a lot more of like a one-to-one or like a small scale, one to many taking the time to build those holistic real relationships is going to, I think be the biggest game changer for people.

    Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. It feels a lot more. Uh, it feels better as, as a business owner as well, to be connected with the people who I'm seeing in my business. Yeah. Because I think at this point we are a little bit like, or maybe a lot, a bit like content fatigued, right?

    Like in less something like, especially for stuff that is kind of a lot of. Same old, same old. Um, it starts to just all kind of become vanilla and like blurs into the background. Um, which isn't to say I'm also not an advocate of people then swinging too hard. The other way to like absolutely burn themselves out on creating the most unique content.

    Possible 24, 7, 365. Like that's not sustainable either, but I think that that is where, like that happy medium of like melding, like your, your unique truth, like your unique brand voice and. What you find valuable and what you would feel proud to put out there and also like weaving in your humanness and taking the time to engage with other people's humanness.

    I think that is like the perfect storm because, you know, anyone can make a Canva graphic and like put up uplifting quote in Canva, in your branding elements and post it. That's nobody can have the same exact conversation and like personal experience with you as having the actual personal experience with you.

    Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. It feels like a little bit relieving because I like, I very much jumped into this cause I didn't like having a business because I did, I did not plan on having. I, I mean, I don't think any of us planned on the past two years happening. Not at all, not that I regretted it.

    It was like the best thing, one of the best things you've ever done for sure. Top three, but there's definitely been moments where I've stopped and been like, hold on, like, am I doing this right? Like in my, like, do I have to be like fancy and have like all these professional canvas things and like, don't get me wrong.

    I've gotten much better at using canvas, but I don't have the, you know, the energy to. Half like do again, it goes back to like what I feel like I'm supposed to be as a business owner. Like, I don't want to, as you put it, I think like, I don't want to be the sleazy salesman and I don't want to, you know, um, show any sort of like false perfection or, um, like fake me.

    Yeah. There's moments where I'm like, am I like, should, is that the way that I should be going for marketing? Yeah. And I think, I think that that's where it, like, it really does come back to like your truth and what you stand for, because you're not, if you were trying to replicate everything that you hate about your industry, then yes.

    Like, you know, perfect filter. And you are like adding filters to like perfectly crafted photography and, you know, like gorgeous, flat lays with, uh, you know, like, like all of the very like shiny glossy, like, um, kind of what we think of as like Instagram influencer ask, like, if that was your whole shtick, if you were like, yeah, I'm just going to be.

    A celebrity, like yoga person, or I want to get like, um, what's the, you know, like, like influencer, like affiliate ad, like ad partners, like stuff like that, right? Like, um, Where somebody has accompany has paid you X amount of money to have like a sponsored post. Like if that was your end goal, then it's like, yeah, you kind of have to play that game, but that's not your end goal.

    So the people who are going to resonate with you don't want that anyway. Like they want to see, thank God, right? Like they could take the pressure off because they want to see. A real human. And I think that the best thing that any of us can do is that is to have in thinking about our marketing is to keep a congruency of like, if this person paid and showed up to my class, Are they going to get a different version of me than the one that they invested in online?

    And if the answer is no, you're doing a great job. Like if the answer is yes, that's usually where that, that like trust begins to erode and where a lot of the, you know, some of the problems of the online space have happen is because people. Assume one thing from people's marketing and then they get on the inside and they're like, wow, bummer.

    I feel like I was taken for a ride. Like, um, but when there is that congruency, then it makes them feel like safe. It's like, oh, I really can trust this person. Cause they weren't just being glossy to get my money. Like this is actually who they are. And now. I feel even better about continuing to patronize their business, refer other people to them, share their work, et cetera, et cetera.

    Yeah. That makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah. Cool. So I know we went a little over time, but did you have anything else before we hop off? Uh, um, I don't think so. No, thank you so much for her, for having me. This is awesome. Thank you so much. Yeah, you're welcome. It's been so fun to do these conversations, so thank you for coming.

    Yeah, thank you so much.


Ep. 138: [On-Air Coaching] How Can Joshua Get More Clients?


Ep. 136: 2021 Reflections & 2022 Predictions (plus Thank You's!)